Dynamics 365 Project Operations and PSA: Assigning a resource on a project for multiple roles

Tested on Project Operations on Dataverse version (October 2021) A hidden gem that quite a few people seem to…

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Listing a user’s active Resource Assignments in Project for the web and D365 PSA with Power Automate

A frequent ask from a user assigned to a project is “Which tasks am I assigned to?”. In Project for…

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Project vlog: Project for the web’s Model-driven app

The Model-driven app for Project for the web makes it possible to extend Project with out-of-the-box features like Roles and…

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Dynamics 365 Project Service Automation: Syncing Resource Assignments with Project Task details to Exchange

Tested on:Dynamics 365 CE with PSA version 3.7 The idea for this blog post came from a conversation on the…

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